Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Start Renting Your Uniforms
Confession time…it’s always the perfect time to start renting your uniforms. The reasons why are many and varied from business to business, but here are some of the top reasons clients have cited for using a local linen company for their uniform needs instead of purchasing and laundering them on their own. See if these reasons make sense for your business, too – then give us a call.
Read MoreThe Five S’s of Using Linen in a Covid World
No one has been immune to the pandemic – literally or figuratively. As our world attempts to return to something resembling ‘normal,’ organizations everywhere are performing Olympic-level gymnastic moves to keep up with ever-changing sanitation and safety standards in order to remain open. With months of shutdowns, reduced occupancy capacities, and increased sanitation protocols, leaders have been tasked with keeping their businesses up to standard and their bank accounts full enough to pay the bills. It can be tempting to cut costs by adopting a DIY mentality, but when it comes to your...
Read MoreHappy Holidays
In this season of celebration and reflection, we want you to know how much we appreciate our friends and partners. We are proud to serve such a special community and we are humbled by your continued confidence in our company. Together, we will make it through the rest of this year. We hope you are able to celebrate safely with your families in this unprecedented time, and know that everyone at Your Linen Service wishes you a joyous, healthy, and special Holiday Season.
Read MoreCheck Us Out on “The Check”: COO David Struminger’s Interview
The Check is a podcast about restaurants. Episode 22, “Lint in Their Blood” features our very own Donald and David Struminger, who spoke on the industry of linen and laundry and its impact on the restaurant world. You may not give much consideration to the tablecloths, napkins, and aprons that you see every time you visit a restaurant, but this episode sheds light on just how much consideration goes into these everyday items. Listen to this short episode to learn about the extensive history of our company and industry, as well as how integral we are in most fine-dining...
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